Financial Management 1.0
This app is a kind of paperless program. Byusing this app, we already support to save our earth because we arenot using paper anymore. no paper means no tree cut, we keep ourearth GREEN.How to use this app? It is really easy to use.- Click menu CATEGORY first to start the transaction. Just typewhat the category is, such as FOOD.- Then click menu TRANSACTION to do various transactions (Incomeand Outcome).- The last one, just click menu VIEW TRANSACTION to see the resultof transaction that we already did. We can check it byviewing month, date .This app also uses menu screenshot, so it eases the user to makethe financial report. Please, feel free for any complaint andsuggestion to make this app better.
Catatan Kos-an 1.0
Don't you have any time to record youfinancial? Let this apps to help you. This apps is functioning tohelp you all in managing your financial in the easiest way. Youdon't need any paper, any pencil, or anything else. What you haveto do is just download CK! and explore it. You can make your ownreport based your outcome and income, sort by date and month. Thisapps has a login fiture than can make your data is safe. Wanna try?Simple, just click to download!Best resolution : 480 x 800 (WVGA)Best tested on : Samsung Ace 2OS requirement : Gingerbread 2.3 in minimum
Profil Moklet 2015 1.1
Selamat Datang di Telkom Schools Malang!Pada aplikasi Profil Moklet 2015 ini, kalian bisa mengetahui:* Alamat, Denah Ruangan, Foto Sekolah* Logo, Visi dan Misi, Sejarah, Tujuan* Aturan, Norma, Tatib, SPP* Judul dan Lirik Hymne, Mars* Jurusan, Pelajaran, Ekstrakulikuler dan Organisasi PengembanganDiri* Pelajaran, Penilaian, Sertifikasi* Guru dan Karyawan* Berita dan PengumunanSelain itu aplikasi ini pun menyediakan fitur catatan.Sekali lagi Selamat Datang di Telkom Schools Malang!Welcome to Telkom MalangSchools!In Profiles Moklet 2015, you can find:* Address, Upper Room, School photos* Logo, Vision and Mission, History, Goals* Rules, Norms, Rules of Procedure, SPP* The title and lyrics Hymn, Mars* Courses, lessons, extracurricular and Personal DevelopmentOrganization* Lessons, Assessment, Certification* Teachers and Employees* News and announcementIn addition, this application also provides a notes feature.Again Welcome Telkom Malang Schools!
Tuntunan Doa-Doa Haji 1.0
The feature of this application isreallyhelpful to assists the pilgrims to memorizethe prayers of Hajj and this application have 5 featuresBest View : 320*480 pixels and 3.5 inchesoptimized for mobile samsung galaxy ace
Culture Learning 1.0.0
Culture Learning ingin mengajak kalianuntukbelajar sambil mengenal kebudayaan Indonesia, mainkanpuzzlenya dantebak pakaian adat dengan benar.* Tampilan berwarana dan menarik bagi anak-anak* Mainkan puzzle rumah adat* Tebak asal dari pakaian daerah* Kenali kekayaan Budaya Indonesia pada materiAyo lestarikan budaya Indonesia !Culture Learningwouldlike to invite you to learn while getting to know the cultureofIndonesia, and guess the puzzles can play traditionalclothesproperly.* Display berwarana and interesting for children* Play puzzle custom home* Guess the origin of the clothes area* Get to know the material wealth of Indonesian cultureLet's preserve Indonesian culture!
Jalan2 Malang 1.0
Memudahkan mendapatkan informasi perjalanandikota Malang.Jalan2 Malang adalah aplikasi berbasis mobile androiddigunakanuntuk mendapatkan informasi perjalanan di kota Malang.Padaaplikasi ini terdapat beberapa menu seperti wisata,kuliner,penginapan, transportasi, catatan, saran, dan tentang.*Menu wisata menampilkan informasi wisata*Menu kuliner menampilkan informasi kuliner*Menu penginapan menampilkan informasi penginapan*Menu transportasi menampilkan informasi transportasi*Menu catatan digunakan untuk membuat catatan perjalanan*Menu saran digunakan untuk memberi saran atau kritik*Menu tentang menampilkan informasi aplikasi dan pembangunAyo Jalan2 di kota Malang!Facilitate gettravelinformation on the city of Malang.Jalan2 Malang is mobile android-based application used togettravel information on the city of Malang. In this applicationthereare some menu items such as travel, dining,lodging,transportation, notes, suggestions, and on.* Menu travel displaying travel information* Culinary menu featuring culinary information* Menu featuring specialty lodging information* Menu transport transportation information display* Menu records used to make travel notes* Menu suggestions are used to give advice or criticism* Menu displays information about the application and buildersCome jalan2 in Malang!
Profil Moklet 1.1
Selamat Datang di Telkom Schools Malang!Pada aplikasi Profil Moklet ini, kalian bisa mengetahui :* Alamat, Denah Ruangan, Foto Sekolah* Logo, Visi dan Misi, Sejarah, Tujuan* Aturan, Norma, Tatib, SPP* Judul dan Lirik Hymne, Mars* Jurusan, Pelajaran, Ekstrakulikuler dan OrganisasiPengembanganDiri* Prestasi* Pelajaran, Penilaian, Sertifikasi* Guru dan Karyawan* Testimoni Alumni* Berita dan PengumunanSelain itu aplikasi ini pun menyediakan fitur catatan.Sekali lagi Selamat Datang di Telkom Schools Malang!Welcome to TelkomMalangSchools!In Profiles Moklet this, you can find:* Address, Upper Room, School photos* Logo, Vision and Mission, History, Goals* Rules, Norms, Rules of Procedure, SPP* The title and lyrics Hymn, Mars* Courses, lessons, extracurricular and PersonalDevelopmentOrganization* Achievement* Lessons, Assessment, Certification* Teachers and Employees* Testimonials Alumni* News and announcementIn addition, this application also provides a notes feature.Again Welcome Telkom Malang Schools!
3Languages Dictionary 1.0
This application is used to learn about3languages, Indonesian, English, andJavanese with additional features such as "dictionary" totranslate,"conversation"too see the example of short conversation in javanese, "add word"toadd the words whichisn't available in the dictionary yetBest resolution of 320 x 480 pixels, 3.5 inches("165 ppipixeldensity)optimized for mobile samsung galaxy mini II, samsung galaxy ace
IT-Learn 1.0
IT-Learn is very comprehended easyapplicationand suited for them which learn or deepen IT.With existence of this application expected can assist toimproveenthusiasm and achievement learn.This application consists of module which is easy to becomprehendedand interesting design. Besides there are quizapplication, whereall answer there are in module. Owningadditional feature that isapplication note.Best View On resolution 10.1" / 1280 x 800 pixelBest test on gadget Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1Version 1.0
Easy Laundry 0.1
Aplikasi Pemesanan Laundry BerbasisAndroidTerbaik di Sawojajar
MalangTraveller 1.0
Hi, guys!If you like backpacking and hunting picture, just try to visitBatu,Malang! There are a lot of tourism resorts such as Secret Zoowhereyou can see many kinds of animals, Jatim Park which providesyou theminiature of traditional culture across Indonesia, Selectawhere youcan enjoy your time by seeing the beautiful flowers andexotic greenpanorama of mountain, Paralayangan where you can tryyour adrenalineto fly and see the view of Batu, and Coban RondoWaterfall where youcan feel the cold sensation of its splashingtouches yourskin.Batu is the best place to stay; cool, natural and comfortable!"Chilling in the Batu sun!" excited to go eh?More info, guys...You can hang out with your friends by stayingatcozy cafes with free Wi-Fi.This app provides the information about those places. Its featureissimple; EASY TO USE! So, have a great trip!best resolution of 320 x 480 pixels, 3.5 inches (~ 165 ppipixeldensity).Optimized for mobile samsung galaxy ace